Leines Hotel Advisors, Inc.
13253 Kerry Lane
Eden Prairie, MN 55346
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With over 50 years of Hotel Industry Experience, Leines Hotel Advisors, Inc. provides the expert counsel you need in all of your hotel transactions.

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Founder and CEO

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Ted Leines’ proven ability to negotiate and close a deal – no matter how complex – stems from years of representing both sides of hotel transactions. Through diplomatic communication, he conveys information and feedback between buyer and seller, resulting in timely, fair transactions for both parties. His vast, hands-on background in hotel operations and development, coupled with his marketing expertise, gives Ted a unique perspective for assessing hotel valuations and planning effective strategies to achieve a sale. Because he has navigated successfully through many real estate cycles, clients depend on Ted’s counsel in today’s market conditions, especially for hold/sell analysis.


In 1994, Ted began his hospitality career with Hotel Capital Management, a Midwest-based hotel ownership group, where he became a Regional Director of Operations. In addition to mastering hotel management, his experience turning distressed properties into well-performing assets contributes to his current success in brokerage and advisory services.


Ted entered hotel brokerage in 2001 as a Senior Associate for Colliers Turley Martin Tucker, where he excelled in the marketing and sales of hotels and grew the division with consulting services. He also served as Senior Vice President of GVA Marquette Capital, LLC.


In 2009, Ted founded Leines Hotel Advisors with the mission of providing helpful counsel and “boots on the ground” service to create value for clients throughout the Midwest. Always available and accessible, he is committed to evaluating, positioning, showing and selling your property or helping you reach a crucial real estate decision.


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From Our Clients

"Dear Ted,
You and your staff recently represented out hotel as Broker and Agent. We were very impressed with the quality of your representation, and with the results of such representation....We are extremely satisfied with your professional services, and will certainly recommend your Firm to prospective hotel owners.

We enjoyed working with you and your professional staff.

- Robert F. Cline - President - River Valley Development Corp - Chisholm Inn & Suites

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